Reminder for Singing Songs of Realization -Saturday, 20 November 2021 at 7-8:30 pm CET. ( -1 hour UK )
You are hereby invited to join in singing the dharma songs of the lineage as taught by Khenchen Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche.
Through these songs, great masters such as Milarepa, Gotsangpa, Khenpo Rinpoche and Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche express how they experience mind’s open, spacious and relaxed state.
We hope you will join us in singing and celebrating this wonderfully skillful way to study the dharma and meditate on its meaning.
Among many other benefits, the main purpose of the program is to offer a possibility for
• The global sangha to enjoy singing the songs that are closest to their heart
• Old dharma friends to reconnect
• To sing in different languages and melodies, appreciating the vast display of bodhichitta.
Since Zoom does not facilitate simultaneous singing as a one-voice group, volunteers will take turns in leading the singing with the melody of their choice. Requests for particular songs are also most welcome.
It is not necessary to register for the meeting is. Please forward this message to anyone you think may benefit from receiving it.
Join the with this Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 851 5351 6458
Passcode: 580168